Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Apple Addiction

With the recent release of the Apple Iphone 5, Samsung has started a new advertising campaign. I recently saw this commercial and had to write about it. See it here for yourself...

In the commercial, Apple customers are shown as giddy about the new Apple Iphone 5, while Samsung SIII customers walk by the line showing off the feature of the Samsung device. Basically, they make fun of the loyalty of the Apple customers and the Apple brand. But really, isn't it just impressive?

To be fair, I'll tell you right now I am a Samsung user. I own the Galaxy SII. I generally get a new phone every 18-24 months. I'm not the type to go out and buy the newest and greatest as soon as it comes out.  But let's get back to the topic at hand.

The dedicated customers that Apple has are a company's dream. And any company should be jealous of this dedication. But recently, Apple has started to fall behind Android according to a recent Ipsos-Reid Poll. Android controls about 36% of the market compared to 29% for Apple and 27% for Blackberry. (Blackberry have really gone downhill!)

Apple is starting to struggle and their products are starting to fall behind its competitors. As long as the Apple customer dedication continues, they are unlikely to step up with the best product. But as long as Apple and Android continue to battle it out, it can only be good for the consumer. And that's not a bad thing, is it?

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The NHL Lockout

The NHL Lockout is now over a week old. But it's not even the end of September, who cares if they do not play hockey for a few more weeks or even a month. Well, I'll get to the reason why the lockout needs to end now later in this post.

First, I would like to look at the reason why we are here. In 2004, when the last occurred, the big, resounding cry from the owners was all about "cost certainty" for years to come. Well, it many observer's eyes, the owners got everything they wanted and more. So the question for many people is, why do we need another lockout? What needs to change?

It seems like the current lockout is all about money, $3.3 billion to be exact. How will it be split? The previous CBA ended with the players receiving 57% of Hockey Related Revenue. The first offer from the owners gave the players only 46%, and the players countered with 54%. If you ask me, when this is all settled there will be a 50-50 split.

However, as long as the lockout out continues there will be a battle for public sympathy. Personally, I do not understand want the problem is with the current system. I guess you could say I sympathize with the players. If my employer came to me and suggested I take a 24% pay cut, I'd be really upset. Also, the fact that Gary Bettman likes to refer to this as a work stoppage and not a lockout out drives me nuts! Who do you think is winning the PR battle?

Who is the real loser in this lockout? The owners, the players, maybe the fans? Sure, they are all missing out, especially the fans. I know I miss it already, but the real losers are the ones that rely on the NHL for employment. The layoffs have already started. Some NHL teams have laid some staff off, others have started a 4 day work week. What about those game day staff like ushers or beer guys? Perhaps most affected are the restaurants and bars that surround NHL arenas and throughout the cities.

Let's get this problem solved. Let's get the the game out of the board, and back where it belongs, ON THE ICE!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Beginning

Welcome to my blog!
I have decided to use my blog to tell you what this blog is all about. Why did I start a blog? What topics will I discuss? Why should you read and how can you get involved?

So....Why did I decide to start a blog?

Well there are many valid answers to that questions. First, I wanted a place to share my thoughts on everyday topics of interest, what really grinds my gears, makes me smile, things that make you go hmm. Second, I find writing to be relaxing. I am by no means a literary expert, but I enjoy discussing everything that is going on, so I hope this will be an outlet for that. Finally, someone once said, if you want to get involved, start a blog! Thank you Jeff Marek.

What topics will I discuss?

Many blogs that you read today are focused on one topic or one area of interest. My intention for this blog is for it to be a virtual salad bowl of topics if you will. Mainly, the blog will focus on issues in the news that interest me. I intend to offer my perspective on the world. A few of my interests include sports of all kinds, politics, television, technology, and news of the day. 

Why should you read and how can you get involved? 
 Nowadays every Joe or Sally can sit down and write a blog. There are literally millions of blogs out there, some very professional and some extremely amateur. So why should you read this blog? I plan to offer a different perspective, my take if you will. Hopefully my readers will offer comments, whether they agree or disagree, and we will be able to interact.

That's all for now folks!